Sunday, February 13, 2011

Port Royal Uninstall File

Presentazione PAT 2011- Osservazioni di Giovanni Battista Vianello Presidente Comitato Revisione Viabilità Lido

undocumented despite the wishes of participatory, address the PAT on the basis of the Councillor as set out in the Municipale Ezio Micelli Lido, according to the extent possible, the thread of his speech.
Centrality environmental, sustainable future, green belts and blue, in our view, empty packages without euphemisms if it is not clear from where you want to start and where you want to get. In other words, priority is the lagoon's ecosystem or the economy of the area? The One is a patient in the acute phase, the second will survive anyway because of the endless flow of tourism and money of every kind. Nothing was said about the fragility of the lagoon, the incompatibility of Moses with the port system or the transit of large ships in the basin. Everything will continue in a Tiramolla between different skills, often in conflict with each other.
agreement with the final destination of polindustriale Portomarghera, but nothing was said about how the industry could reach tertiary and quaternary without reclamation of abandoned areas.
is established that the future of the City Metro will be in the dial card, awarding no cost equalization property speculation already reported in the previous draft of the PAT (approximately 2,000,000 new cubature variegata). However, the belly of Venus is Venice island, so it will need to come together to reward investment in the entire area north of the gutter. And here comes out of the hat to accommodate an umbilical cord, mostly in the center uncontrollable waves of pilgrims to pass through or will support City. It could be a tsunami, and only then you realize that travel can also drown. The umbilical cord is a second gateway to Venice, with extension to the Lido. Bon ton wanted Assessor Micelli did not speak clearly Megatube divers will be entrusted to the technical task of finding the best solutions. Venice admitted and given that he can not continue to be penetrated by mobility only through terminals at Piazzale Roma and Saint Lucia, the question arises as to identify other points of access and regulate the flow of tourists through specific lines of marquees circumnavigation. The idea seems so obvious, and integrated economic environment does not even require media. But it is not. The Plan set to a period of twenty to thirty years' while contemplating the invariants that are designed to protect the territory, does not call (at least in the statement) any stake to the imagination and interests of designers, so the risk of finding cities and islands irreversibly distorted threatened.
brings us to the Lido to ask how far it has benefited from the conversion of 25 hectares of green area? Nel'isola, about 200,000 square meters of areas between beach and dune system will be urbanized (in addition to the 65,000-square-foot former hospital), 500,000 sq m of sea port would become, un forte asburgico  diventerà  villaggio vacanza  e altre aree destinate a parco stanno per esser cementificate.  PAT dove sei? Batti un colpo! Ti va bene un Commissario Governativo che doveva costruire il nuovo Palazzo del Cinema e ha venduto mezzo Lido per fare solo un buco che rende, fra l’altro, impossibile  il proseguimento dell’attività congressistica? Il Palazzo del Cinema e dei Congressi non sta chiuso 50 settimane all’anno, come dice l’Assessore, ha lavorato e prodotto indotto in continuità malgrado fosse cinturato da cantieri. E’ una delle poche fonti di prosperità esistenti, molto appetita dai nuovi avventori e quindi a rischio. E veniamo alle infrastrutture: Una dozzina di kilometri di rettilinei condivisi tra autoarticolati, bus, ciclisti e buche. Rete fognaria in affanno. Sanità insufficiente e in  dismissione. Quali saranno gli interventi  mirati o sostegno dell’esistente e della nuova urbanizzazione ? Speriamo che nel dettaglio il PAT lo dica.


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