Saturday, February 26, 2011
Friday, February 25, 2011
Can Toothache Cause Sore Throat
Durante il match Toro-Pescara i tifosi della Maratona hanno disertato l’Olimpico per sfilare nelle vie adiacenti lo stadio. Volevano protestare dopo che, secondo la versione di un tifoso granata, era stato negato l’acquisto di un tagliando ad alcune persone senza diffide o provvedimenti pendenti.
Mostrando un maxi striscione “Fuori uno, fuori tutti”, gli ultrà hanno sfilato intorno all’Olimpico.
La contestazione arriva a pochi giorni dagli incidenti di Novara, dove Some ultras grenade ripped gates and have attacked two police officers, all seasoned with other serious incidents of hooliganism. The surveys, with the help of movie cameras of the stadium are underway.
PP (personal thoughts)
's where we come in a bit '... direct links with the police stations to prevent these thugs called Ultras access to sporting events (football stadium). There is no question of a restriction on freedom '... God forbid the rest of ours is a country (more 'smaller so you can not' write) High density '"democratic" (democracy) ....
Here's what Wikipedia thinks about some basic steps .... (ma dopo aver calpestato ogni articolo della nostra costituzione chi vuoi che possa meravigliarsi piu' di tanto ???)
Principi fondamentali :
I principi fondamentali dello Stato di democrazia classica sono il principio di libertà (il principio secondo il quale lo Stato deve astenersi dall’intervenire nella sfera privata dei cittadini), temperato col principio di eguaglianza (il principio secondo il quale lo Stato deve diminuire le differenze economico-sociali esistenti tra i cittadini), il principio dell’autogoverno (il principio secondo il quale i governanti devono coincidere il più possibile con i governati e, di conseguenza, le funzioni pubbliche devono essere svolte, se è possibile, da tutti citizens - direct democracy - or, failing that, especially by citizens elected by the people - representative democracy - which must also consider the needs expressed by different social groups - pluralist democracy) and the principle of majority rule in respect of minority rights, enshrined in a constitution written and rigid.

Durante il match Toro-Pescara i tifosi della Maratona hanno disertato l’Olimpico per sfilare nelle vie adiacenti lo stadio. Volevano protestare dopo che, secondo la versione di un tifoso granata, era stato negato l’acquisto di un tagliando ad alcune persone senza diffide o provvedimenti pendenti.
Mostrando un maxi striscione “Fuori uno, fuori tutti”, gli ultrà hanno sfilato intorno all’Olimpico.
La contestazione arriva a pochi giorni dagli incidenti di Novara, dove Some ultras grenade ripped gates and have attacked two police officers, all seasoned with other serious incidents of hooliganism. The surveys, with the help of movie cameras of the stadium are underway.
PP (personal thoughts)
's where we come in a bit '... direct links with the police stations to prevent these thugs called Ultras access to sporting events (football stadium). There is no question of a restriction on freedom '... God forbid the rest of ours is a country (more 'smaller so you can not' write) High density '"democratic" (democracy) ....
Here's what Wikipedia thinks about some basic steps .... (ma dopo aver calpestato ogni articolo della nostra costituzione chi vuoi che possa meravigliarsi piu' di tanto ???)
Principi fondamentali :
I principi fondamentali dello Stato di democrazia classica sono il principio di libertà (il principio secondo il quale lo Stato deve astenersi dall’intervenire nella sfera privata dei cittadini), temperato col principio di eguaglianza (il principio secondo il quale lo Stato deve diminuire le differenze economico-sociali esistenti tra i cittadini), il principio dell’autogoverno (il principio secondo il quale i governanti devono coincidere il più possibile con i governati e, di conseguenza, le funzioni pubbliche devono essere svolte, se è possibile, da tutti citizens - direct democracy - or, failing that, especially by citizens elected by the people - representative democracy - which must also consider the needs expressed by different social groups - pluralist democracy) and the principle of majority rule in respect of minority rights, enshrined in a constitution written and rigid.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Monday, February 21, 2011
Waxing For Men Bangkok
Syracuse - Cavese
February 21, 2011 - It is still a free kick by Marco Mancosu to decide games. On the seventh day of receipt of the championship First Division, Pro League, the Syracuse beats the stadium Nicola De Simone Cavese good looking desperate for points salvation. Race
not too exciting, resolved by a spell for more than 25 meters Mancosu 88 'minutes which allows blue to remain attached to the playoff train.
"The Syracuse at this time is proving to be in an area of \u200b\u200bthe standings - said the president Luigi Salvoldi - Initially no one would have bet on this team, now there's so much satisfaction, and enjoy this beautiful moment. I am satisfied with today's test, were all good, by the coach to the players who went on the field. Given the low presence spectators at the stadium waiting for the public for special occasions continue, however, our path ".
"Today was an important victory in suffering and also because of the results of the advances - continued Technical Ugolotti - With today's result, which is fundamental for the rest of the season, we gave a strong signal, because we have shown more and more to believe in what we do. I think the game against Cavese was not pretty, but we played very well: we have suffered and struggled managing to win.
Overall I'm happy because this victory allows us to stay in the playoff zone. The Syracuse has qualities and is showing. Next Sunday there will be another big game and then we will stop where it plans to retrieve the injured. "
February 21, 2011 - It is still a free kick by Marco Mancosu to decide games. On the seventh day of receipt of the championship First Division, Pro League, the Syracuse beats the stadium Nicola De Simone Cavese good looking desperate for points salvation. Race
not too exciting, resolved by a spell for more than 25 meters Mancosu 88 'minutes which allows blue to remain attached to the playoff train.
"The Syracuse at this time is proving to be in an area of \u200b\u200bthe standings - said the president Luigi Salvoldi - Initially no one would have bet on this team, now there's so much satisfaction, and enjoy this beautiful moment. I am satisfied with today's test, were all good, by the coach to the players who went on the field. Given the low presence spectators at the stadium waiting for the public for special occasions continue, however, our path ".
"Today was an important victory in suffering and also because of the results of the advances - continued Technical Ugolotti - With today's result, which is fundamental for the rest of the season, we gave a strong signal, because we have shown more and more to believe in what we do. I think the game against Cavese was not pretty, but we played very well: we have suffered and struggled managing to win.
Overall I'm happy because this victory allows us to stay in the playoff zone. The Syracuse has qualities and is showing. Next Sunday there will be another big game and then we will stop where it plans to retrieve the injured. "
How Much Is Xanax On The Street
1-0 Curva Nord - Maurizio Alberti -
"For some time we maintain that a typhus Pisa was liable to end up if nothing had changed. In different times and in different ways we gave this cry 'alarm. Of course we speak of organized cheering as we know it and as we have always seen in Pisa, because, as everyone knows, choreography, flags, travel, banners, etc.. We also have always maintained that the stadiums, oppressed by the latest charges , were emptied and the Arena, if something had changed, and threatened to do the same fate. These, unfortunately, our repeated appeals have fallen on deaf ears.
repression, zero tolerance, decrees, prohibitions, card fans, the constant warnings, fines, raids, allegations, arrests ... and we fought until the last hold out against all this, and despite the many difficulties we still brought our Arena and cheer away.
But with the same coherence that distinguishes us now we can not but note that this situation does not allow us to pursue more organized cheering, because, after the latest warnings and the latest arrest of 17 people, the reality is that few of us now is permitted to enter the stage: Today the groups are affected in almost all of their components from DASPO years and therefore, even if it would be really impossible to try to organize something on Sunday in a stadium. Nor is it correct to speak of a "form of protest," but is simply a fact.
the people who cheered for the choreography, praised supporters for a respected and admired by all Italy, the people who filled the mouth of our efforts, thanks to the North who have felt proud to be fans that end have Pisan done? These people have passively witnessed the destruction of decades of passion. Many have been shown to have short memories, very short. Many have taken to everything good that has been imposed and all read or heard in the media ...
Pisa "the indomitable rebel," the city that was in the joys and sorrows share, close to the curve where is his? It seems that all you have already adjusted and accustomed to this massacre. "
"For some time we maintain that a typhus Pisa was liable to end up if nothing had changed. In different times and in different ways we gave this cry 'alarm. Of course we speak of organized cheering as we know it and as we have always seen in Pisa, because, as everyone knows, choreography, flags, travel, banners, etc.. We also have always maintained that the stadiums, oppressed by the latest charges , were emptied and the Arena, if something had changed, and threatened to do the same fate. These, unfortunately, our repeated appeals have fallen on deaf ears.
repression, zero tolerance, decrees, prohibitions, card fans, the constant warnings, fines, raids, allegations, arrests ... and we fought until the last hold out against all this, and despite the many difficulties we still brought our Arena and cheer away.
But with the same coherence that distinguishes us now we can not but note that this situation does not allow us to pursue more organized cheering, because, after the latest warnings and the latest arrest of 17 people, the reality is that few of us now is permitted to enter the stage: Today the groups are affected in almost all of their components from DASPO years and therefore, even if it would be really impossible to try to organize something on Sunday in a stadium. Nor is it correct to speak of a "form of protest," but is simply a fact.
the people who cheered for the choreography, praised supporters for a respected and admired by all Italy, the people who filled the mouth of our efforts, thanks to the North who have felt proud to be fans that end have Pisan done? These people have passively witnessed the destruction of decades of passion. Many have been shown to have short memories, very short. Many have taken to everything good that has been imposed and all read or heard in the media ...
Pisa "the indomitable rebel," the city that was in the joys and sorrows share, close to the curve where is his? It seems that all you have already adjusted and accustomed to this massacre. "
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Monday, February 14, 2011
It Whispers So Listen Bracelet
Sunday, February 13, 2011
How Much Zopiclone Is Fatal
Lettera ai giornali di Salvatore Lihard per il Movimento per la Difesa della Sanità veneziana
Abbiamo pensato al Direttore generale della Ulss 12 affinchè renewing the contract after receiving a € 23 million for the sale of the former Ospedale al Mare, but perhaps he is too busy at this time to resolve issues with the Region of the various project financing and more.
We thought of the Special Commissioner of the New Palace Cinema, as the guarantor of the MoU in May 2007 where a three goals was represented by "strengthening the social and health services in Lido," but perhaps he is too burdened from having to open for March 17 next year (during the 150 years of United Italy), the largest complex of the Palazzo del Cinema.
We thought of a prominent contribution of the former Mayor, who in the Municipality, on January 22 last year, with vehemence, had ensured that any health service the island would have been unaffected, and indeed would even increase the performance even within the monoblock. But he too busy to analyze the major changes and current and future national and international political scenarios.
We thought the intervention of the Mayor, even as President of the Conference of Mayors ULSS, that on December 1 and had repeated straripetuto with grace and confidence that it would intervene in Lido focus on ensuring the quality and quantity of services health, without even touching a light bulb. But he, today, too busy in the management of grandi complessità della città.
Abbiamo pensato alle forze di governo della Municipalità, ma Esse troppo oberate di lavoro nel rilanciare l'economia turistico-ricettiva dell'isola, tramite un grande “luminare dell'intrattenimento e calamitatore” di grandi masse.
Abbiamo pensato a esponenti di minoranza della Municipalità, ma Essi troppo attratti dall'idea di sognare imponenti progetti realizzati in barba all'ambiente, in continuità, così Loro dicono, dell'attuale “rinascimento isolano”.
Poi abbiamo smesso di pensare e di attendere. Ci rivedremo, con i cittadini, di nuovo in piazza. Che tristezza...
few weeks ago, local newspapers have reported that appropriate il San Camillo a Lido, a partire dal 1° marzo di quest'anno, non erogherà più esami di risonanza magnetica in convenzione, dopo un anno di sperimentazione. Brutta notizia. Soprattutto se si rileva che dal 1 marzo al 30 settembre del 2010, l'Istituto ha effettuato mediamente 220 risonanze al mese, e con una previsione per l'anno in corso di 2.000 prestazioni annue.
Di conseguenza volevamo subito intervenire, protestare, indignarci ancora una volta, ma abbiamo preferito attendere con fiducia (pochissima) un immediato intervento riparatore da parte dei nostri Amministratori ad evitare l'ulteriore taglio alla sanità dell'isola e del circondario distrettuale. Abbiamo pensato al Direttore generale della Ulss 12 affinchè renewing the contract after receiving a € 23 million for the sale of the former Ospedale al Mare, but perhaps he is too busy at this time to resolve issues with the Region of the various project financing and more.
We thought of the Special Commissioner of the New Palace Cinema, as the guarantor of the MoU in May 2007 where a three goals was represented by "strengthening the social and health services in Lido," but perhaps he is too burdened from having to open for March 17 next year (during the 150 years of United Italy), the largest complex of the Palazzo del Cinema.
We thought of a prominent contribution of the former Mayor, who in the Municipality, on January 22 last year, with vehemence, had ensured that any health service the island would have been unaffected, and indeed would even increase the performance even within the monoblock. But he too busy to analyze the major changes and current and future national and international political scenarios.
We thought the intervention of the Mayor, even as President of the Conference of Mayors ULSS, that on December 1 and had repeated straripetuto with grace and confidence that it would intervene in Lido focus on ensuring the quality and quantity of services health, without even touching a light bulb. But he, today, too busy in the management of grandi complessità della città.
Abbiamo pensato alle forze di governo della Municipalità, ma Esse troppo oberate di lavoro nel rilanciare l'economia turistico-ricettiva dell'isola, tramite un grande “luminare dell'intrattenimento e calamitatore” di grandi masse.
Abbiamo pensato a esponenti di minoranza della Municipalità, ma Essi troppo attratti dall'idea di sognare imponenti progetti realizzati in barba all'ambiente, in continuità, così Loro dicono, dell'attuale “rinascimento isolano”.
Poi abbiamo smesso di pensare e di attendere. Ci rivedremo, con i cittadini, di nuovo in piazza. Che tristezza...
Lifetime Fitness Couple Membership Cost
Da Parco delle Rose a Parco del cemento
A giorni la Conferenza dei Servizi deciderà sul progetto relativo ad un’importante area del Lido di Venezia, il Parco delle Rose; ancora una volta senza che la cittadinanza ne abbia potuto prendere visione e in totale deroga a norme e passaggi istituzionali, stante l’assurdo commissariamento dell’isola da parte della Protezione Civile.
Da quanto ci è dato conoscere, il progetto -presentato da una società privata acquirente dell’area, che avrà destinazione residenziale e commerciale- è inaccettabile, con una cementificazione pesante e la distruzione di tutta la pregevole vegetazione esistente. I nuovi volumi, rappresentati da due imponenti edificazioni laterali con al centro una sorta di torre visibile anche da Santa Maria Elisabetta, saranno più di cinque volte superiori agli esistenti, con la creazione anche di due piani interrati (in uno un supermercato e nell’altro un garage sia ad uso pubblico che privato), che crediamo in contrasto con il Piano regionale Tutela Acque e insostenibile in una zona così densamente urbanizzata. Da ricordare che nella Variante al PRG la zona (destinata a parco territoriale pubblico) è classificata “novecentesca di pregio”, che su tutto il Lido insiste un vincolo paesaggistico e che il Parco è tutelato, oltre che dal PALAV, da uno specifico decreto del Ministero Heritage and Culture as an asset of historical and artistic constraints not considered compatible with the project.
There is talk of a new public square (or the use of public property? And who will be running costs and maintenance?) Overlooking the Grand Avenue, including on three sides of the new building. But it would mainly use the space "is" among the new high buildings, no tree, given the underground levels that preclude their existence. We wonder what
reflected in terms of planning standards for the City and the Lido, the operation involves, how it will offset the net loss of green space and trees and what concrete public interest objectives pursued the project. In our view, as worded, is a great gift unacceptable that the City Council is the private, a loss of both economic and environmental community.
certainly not deny the legitimate interests of the property and it is clear that the area be redesigned, but not in an impactful way. The alternatives are possible which seem, with un'edificazione smaller and more degraded areas, thereby protecting valuable existing vegetation (ask in this regard, a specific inspection by technicians of the municipal administration and our Associations).
Coordination of the Environmental Association of Lido (
Venice, February 12, 2010
A giorni la Conferenza dei Servizi deciderà sul progetto relativo ad un’importante area del Lido di Venezia, il Parco delle Rose; ancora una volta senza che la cittadinanza ne abbia potuto prendere visione e in totale deroga a norme e passaggi istituzionali, stante l’assurdo commissariamento dell’isola da parte della Protezione Civile.
Da quanto ci è dato conoscere, il progetto -presentato da una società privata acquirente dell’area, che avrà destinazione residenziale e commerciale- è inaccettabile, con una cementificazione pesante e la distruzione di tutta la pregevole vegetazione esistente. I nuovi volumi, rappresentati da due imponenti edificazioni laterali con al centro una sorta di torre visibile anche da Santa Maria Elisabetta, saranno più di cinque volte superiori agli esistenti, con la creazione anche di due piani interrati (in uno un supermercato e nell’altro un garage sia ad uso pubblico che privato), che crediamo in contrasto con il Piano regionale Tutela Acque e insostenibile in una zona così densamente urbanizzata. Da ricordare che nella Variante al PRG la zona (destinata a parco territoriale pubblico) è classificata “novecentesca di pregio”, che su tutto il Lido insiste un vincolo paesaggistico e che il Parco è tutelato, oltre che dal PALAV, da uno specifico decreto del Ministero Heritage and Culture as an asset of historical and artistic constraints not considered compatible with the project.
There is talk of a new public square (or the use of public property? And who will be running costs and maintenance?) Overlooking the Grand Avenue, including on three sides of the new building. But it would mainly use the space "is" among the new high buildings, no tree, given the underground levels that preclude their existence. We wonder what
reflected in terms of planning standards for the City and the Lido, the operation involves, how it will offset the net loss of green space and trees and what concrete public interest objectives pursued the project. In our view, as worded, is a great gift unacceptable that the City Council is the private, a loss of both economic and environmental community.
certainly not deny the legitimate interests of the property and it is clear that the area be redesigned, but not in an impactful way. The alternatives are possible which seem, with un'edificazione smaller and more degraded areas, thereby protecting valuable existing vegetation (ask in this regard, a specific inspection by technicians of the municipal administration and our Associations).
Coordination of the Environmental Association of Lido (
Venice, February 12, 2010
Port Royal Uninstall File
Presentazione PAT 2011- Osservazioni di Giovanni Battista Vianello Presidente Comitato Revisione Viabilità Lido
undocumented despite the wishes of participatory, address the PAT on the basis of the Councillor as set out in the Municipale Ezio Micelli Lido, according to the extent possible, the thread of his speech.
undocumented despite the wishes of participatory, address the PAT on the basis of the Councillor as set out in the Municipale Ezio Micelli Lido, according to the extent possible, the thread of his speech.
Centrality environmental, sustainable future, green belts and blue, in our view, empty packages without euphemisms if it is not clear from where you want to start and where you want to get. In other words, priority is the lagoon's ecosystem or the economy of the area? The One is a patient in the acute phase, the second will survive anyway because of the endless flow of tourism and money of every kind. Nothing was said about the fragility of the lagoon, the incompatibility of Moses with the port system or the transit of large ships in the basin. Everything will continue in a Tiramolla between different skills, often in conflict with each other.
agreement with the final destination of polindustriale Portomarghera, but nothing was said about how the industry could reach tertiary and quaternary without reclamation of abandoned areas.
is established that the future of the City Metro will be in the dial card, awarding no cost equalization property speculation already reported in the previous draft of the PAT (approximately 2,000,000 new cubature variegata). However, the belly of Venus is Venice island, so it will need to come together to reward investment in the entire area north of the gutter. And here comes out of the hat to accommodate an umbilical cord, mostly in the center uncontrollable waves of pilgrims to pass through or will support City. It could be a tsunami, and only then you realize that travel can also drown. The umbilical cord is a second gateway to Venice, with extension to the Lido. Bon ton wanted Assessor Micelli did not speak clearly Megatube divers will be entrusted to the technical task of finding the best solutions. Venice admitted and given that he can not continue to be penetrated by mobility only through terminals at Piazzale Roma and Saint Lucia, the question arises as to identify other points of access and regulate the flow of tourists through specific lines of marquees circumnavigation. The idea seems so obvious, and integrated economic environment does not even require media. But it is not. The Plan set to a period of twenty to thirty years' while contemplating the invariants that are designed to protect the territory, does not call (at least in the statement) any stake to the imagination and interests of designers, so the risk of finding cities and islands irreversibly distorted threatened.
brings us to the Lido to ask how far it has benefited from the conversion of 25 hectares of green area? Nel'isola, about 200,000 square meters of areas between beach and dune system will be urbanized (in addition to the 65,000-square-foot former hospital), 500,000 sq m of sea port would become, un forte asburgico diventerà villaggio vacanza e altre aree destinate a parco stanno per esser cementificate. PAT dove sei? Batti un colpo! Ti va bene un Commissario Governativo che doveva costruire il nuovo Palazzo del Cinema e ha venduto mezzo Lido per fare solo un buco che rende, fra l’altro, impossibile il proseguimento dell’attività congressistica? Il Palazzo del Cinema e dei Congressi non sta chiuso 50 settimane all’anno, come dice l’Assessore, ha lavorato e prodotto indotto in continuità malgrado fosse cinturato da cantieri. E’ una delle poche fonti di prosperità esistenti, molto appetita dai nuovi avventori e quindi a rischio. E veniamo alle infrastrutture: Una dozzina di kilometri di rettilinei condivisi tra autoarticolati, bus, ciclisti e buche. Rete fognaria in affanno. Sanità insufficiente e in dismissione. Quali saranno gli interventi mirati o sostegno dell’esistente e della nuova urbanizzazione ? Speriamo che nel dettaglio il PAT lo dica.
agreement with the final destination of polindustriale Portomarghera, but nothing was said about how the industry could reach tertiary and quaternary without reclamation of abandoned areas.
is established that the future of the City Metro will be in the dial card, awarding no cost equalization property speculation already reported in the previous draft of the PAT (approximately 2,000,000 new cubature variegata). However, the belly of Venus is Venice island, so it will need to come together to reward investment in the entire area north of the gutter. And here comes out of the hat to accommodate an umbilical cord, mostly in the center uncontrollable waves of pilgrims to pass through or will support City. It could be a tsunami, and only then you realize that travel can also drown. The umbilical cord is a second gateway to Venice, with extension to the Lido. Bon ton wanted Assessor Micelli did not speak clearly Megatube divers will be entrusted to the technical task of finding the best solutions. Venice admitted and given that he can not continue to be penetrated by mobility only through terminals at Piazzale Roma and Saint Lucia, the question arises as to identify other points of access and regulate the flow of tourists through specific lines of marquees circumnavigation. The idea seems so obvious, and integrated economic environment does not even require media. But it is not. The Plan set to a period of twenty to thirty years' while contemplating the invariants that are designed to protect the territory, does not call (at least in the statement) any stake to the imagination and interests of designers, so the risk of finding cities and islands irreversibly distorted threatened.
brings us to the Lido to ask how far it has benefited from the conversion of 25 hectares of green area? Nel'isola, about 200,000 square meters of areas between beach and dune system will be urbanized (in addition to the 65,000-square-foot former hospital), 500,000 sq m of sea port would become, un forte asburgico diventerà villaggio vacanza e altre aree destinate a parco stanno per esser cementificate. PAT dove sei? Batti un colpo! Ti va bene un Commissario Governativo che doveva costruire il nuovo Palazzo del Cinema e ha venduto mezzo Lido per fare solo un buco che rende, fra l’altro, impossibile il proseguimento dell’attività congressistica? Il Palazzo del Cinema e dei Congressi non sta chiuso 50 settimane all’anno, come dice l’Assessore, ha lavorato e prodotto indotto in continuità malgrado fosse cinturato da cantieri. E’ una delle poche fonti di prosperità esistenti, molto appetita dai nuovi avventori e quindi a rischio. E veniamo alle infrastrutture: Una dozzina di kilometri di rettilinei condivisi tra autoarticolati, bus, ciclisti e buche. Rete fognaria in affanno. Sanità insufficiente e in dismissione. Quali saranno gli interventi mirati o sostegno dell’esistente e della nuova urbanizzazione ? Speriamo che nel dettaglio il PAT lo dica.
Friday, February 11, 2011
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Two Hours Workout Is Alot?
from now on nobody will see 'MORE' OUR banner hanging in the stadiums.
CAV 1978
PP (personal thoughts)
Ultras Another piece of history that goes away. Certainly the last few years have not been to the CAV year to remember with clear reference to their yield to the modern game but you can not 'does not honor the CAV Ultras who has made history not only in Florence.

from now on nobody will see 'MORE' OUR banner hanging in the stadiums.
CAV 1978
PP (personal thoughts)
Ultras Another piece of history that goes away. Certainly the last few years have not been to the CAV year to remember with clear reference to their yield to the modern game but you can not 'does not honor the CAV Ultras who has made history not only in Florence.
Free Movies Like Jibjab
Nemmeno un fiore per i garibaldini di Cristina Romieri
Pochi giorni fa in un telegiornale ho visto le desolate immagini di un cimitero ligure dove sono sepolti più di cento garibaldini. Per le loro tombe non è previsto alcun restauro né alcuna valorizzazione nell'ambito delle tante iniziative e somme stanziate per celebrare i 150 anni dell'Unità d'Italia, quella costruita con la loro life. I thought bitterly to the new Palazzo del Cinema in Venice Lido, the work included in the celebrations but it will not be finished in time, is still a chasm (instead of hundreds of pine trees killed). And recent statements by the President of the Biennale, Paolo Baratta, "I agree that there is only a 2,000-seat hall." I thought with indignation at what has already cost this "single room", perhaps an excuse to give the entire island in the hands of a Commissioner of Civil Defence (but where is the emergency and exceptional?), For watering down the private with projects that will devastate his particular territory between the sea and the lagoon. I thought angrily to the squalor of the work della «cricca» legata al G8 ma anche al nuovo Palazzo del Cinema (Della Giovampaola, De Santis, Balducci, peraltro acriticamente difeso dal ministro Giancarlo Galan dopo l'ultima pubblicazione delle intercettazioni che li coinvolgono): affari, tangenti, hotel e cene di lusso e le immancabili escort. Per quelle tombe neanche un fiore. Ma i semi di giustizia e libertà gettati da quelle camice rosse germoglieranno sempre. Non cosi il cemento e il malaffare
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
What Will Happen If You Drink Expired Protein
Inquiry ultras, 104 suspects
C'è anche l'assessore regionale al Territorio, il leghista Daniele Belotti, tra gli indagati nell'inchiesta che in queste ore ha portato a decine di perquisizioni tra gli ultrà atalantini. Al politico è contestato il concorso esterno nell'associazione per delinquere ipotizzata dalla Procura di Bergamo, ma «bocciata» dal gip che non ha riconosciuto i gravi indizi di colpevolezza per questo reato.
Belotti, secondo chi indaga, sarebbe «l'ideologo della tifoseria nerazzurra», il «trait d'union con le istituzioni» e il «consigliere personale» del leader della Curva Nord, Claudio «Bocia» Galimberti, colpito dal divieto di dimora a Bergamo e provincia.
Ecco la replica di Belotti: "My role as mediator between the institutions and the organized supporters has been known for at least 15 years. And I only ever mediated, putting his face every time. Can not be attributed to acts of violence which I have never participated in "The
" Bocia "Galimberti was reached Tuesday, February 8 in the order of the judge for preliminary investigations, notified to him by the police in the investigation coordinated by the prosecutor on ultras Bergamo. For two other prominent members of the Curve, two young men of 25 and 23 years, but the investigating judge has ordered the signature requirement.
The three suspects would be the elements of an offense of criminal association aimed at the Board of fight crime, corruption, throwing objects and threatening a public official. According to the argument of the prosecution, the comrades would Bocia and systematically organized on the occasion of the clashes dell'Atalanta games, each with specific roles and tasks, hence the possibility of a conspiracy indictment.
A total of 104 suspects for various crimes: brawl, seditious assembly, injury. The 35 were taken in raids last night. In action eighty police officers and the police department's crime prevention in Lombardy. Also check the "Baretto 'and' Cove." A house Belotti was seized two computers, home of the "Bocia" a banner of Palermo "Borgovecchio" risultato rubato.
Nelle case di vari ultrà, tra gli «accessori» da guerriglia, sono stati sequestrati anche 4 mazze da baseball, 4 sfollagente telescopici, 2 penne spara razzi con 19 razzi, 24 fumogeni, 5 torce e diverse cinture con bulloni molto grandi.
Il pm aveva chiesto per il Bocia e altri cinque esponenti di spicco la custodia cautelare in carcere. Il gip non ha però ravvisato i gravi indizi di colpevolezza per il reato più grave, l'associazione per delinquere, e ha respinto le istanze, optando per tre misure più lievi.
I provvedimenti dell'autorità giudiziaria giungono al termine delle indagini, durate oltre un anno, avviate dalla questura dopo gli incidenti di Atalanta-Catania September 2009. In addition to these disorders, under the lens of the investigators have also finished the incidents of dopopartita at Atalanta Inter Milan in December of that year, but also protest against the then quaestor Turillo organized by the ultras out January 19, 2010 Noli away from police headquarters, the protest against the company organized in the center Bortolotti Atalanta Zingonia in May (then the president was Alessandro Ruggeri and the curve was pushing for the patron left) and disturbances to Berghem Fest in August 2010.
The investigation was conducted through telephone tapping, probably the first case nationwide in which this instrument is used for a wide-ranging on the phenomenon of hooliganism.
"We have opened a gash on details of the fans that no one had ever wanted to investigate," said the deputy prosecutor of Bergamo Carmen Pugliese. Among the "gashes" open survey also requests that some players atalantini and leaders of society - as specified by the prosecutor - the fans were at home under house arrest after games without brilliant results, bringing them gifts, especially sweaters. No representative dell'Atalanta writing is still under investigation.
PP (Thought Staff)
Almost wordless .... solidarity 'to Bergamo Ultras
Inquiry ultras, 104 suspects
C'è anche l'assessore regionale al Territorio, il leghista Daniele Belotti, tra gli indagati nell'inchiesta che in queste ore ha portato a decine di perquisizioni tra gli ultrà atalantini. Al politico è contestato il concorso esterno nell'associazione per delinquere ipotizzata dalla Procura di Bergamo, ma «bocciata» dal gip che non ha riconosciuto i gravi indizi di colpevolezza per questo reato.
Belotti, secondo chi indaga, sarebbe «l'ideologo della tifoseria nerazzurra», il «trait d'union con le istituzioni» e il «consigliere personale» del leader della Curva Nord, Claudio «Bocia» Galimberti, colpito dal divieto di dimora a Bergamo e provincia.
Ecco la replica di Belotti: "My role as mediator between the institutions and the organized supporters has been known for at least 15 years. And I only ever mediated, putting his face every time. Can not be attributed to acts of violence which I have never participated in "The
" Bocia "Galimberti was reached Tuesday, February 8 in the order of the judge for preliminary investigations, notified to him by the police in the investigation coordinated by the prosecutor on ultras Bergamo. For two other prominent members of the Curve, two young men of 25 and 23 years, but the investigating judge has ordered the signature requirement.
The three suspects would be the elements of an offense of criminal association aimed at the Board of fight crime, corruption, throwing objects and threatening a public official. According to the argument of the prosecution, the comrades would Bocia and systematically organized on the occasion of the clashes dell'Atalanta games, each with specific roles and tasks, hence the possibility of a conspiracy indictment.
A total of 104 suspects for various crimes: brawl, seditious assembly, injury. The 35 were taken in raids last night. In action eighty police officers and the police department's crime prevention in Lombardy. Also check the "Baretto 'and' Cove." A house Belotti was seized two computers, home of the "Bocia" a banner of Palermo "Borgovecchio" risultato rubato.
Nelle case di vari ultrà, tra gli «accessori» da guerriglia, sono stati sequestrati anche 4 mazze da baseball, 4 sfollagente telescopici, 2 penne spara razzi con 19 razzi, 24 fumogeni, 5 torce e diverse cinture con bulloni molto grandi.
Il pm aveva chiesto per il Bocia e altri cinque esponenti di spicco la custodia cautelare in carcere. Il gip non ha però ravvisato i gravi indizi di colpevolezza per il reato più grave, l'associazione per delinquere, e ha respinto le istanze, optando per tre misure più lievi.
I provvedimenti dell'autorità giudiziaria giungono al termine delle indagini, durate oltre un anno, avviate dalla questura dopo gli incidenti di Atalanta-Catania September 2009. In addition to these disorders, under the lens of the investigators have also finished the incidents of dopopartita at Atalanta Inter Milan in December of that year, but also protest against the then quaestor Turillo organized by the ultras out January 19, 2010 Noli away from police headquarters, the protest against the company organized in the center Bortolotti Atalanta Zingonia in May (then the president was Alessandro Ruggeri and the curve was pushing for the patron left) and disturbances to Berghem Fest in August 2010.
The investigation was conducted through telephone tapping, probably the first case nationwide in which this instrument is used for a wide-ranging on the phenomenon of hooliganism.
"We have opened a gash on details of the fans that no one had ever wanted to investigate," said the deputy prosecutor of Bergamo Carmen Pugliese. Among the "gashes" open survey also requests that some players atalantini and leaders of society - as specified by the prosecutor - the fans were at home under house arrest after games without brilliant results, bringing them gifts, especially sweaters. No representative dell'Atalanta writing is still under investigation.
PP (Thought Staff)
Almost wordless .... solidarity 'to Bergamo Ultras
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Saturday, February 5, 2011
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