Thursday, December 23, 2010
Blueprints Of Wolfe Manor
Abbiamo appreso che la gara di ogg i per la vendita delle aree dell’ex Ospedale al Mare è andata deserta . “Stranamente” non ha partecipato neanche Est Capital , che aveva stipulato il preliminare d’ acquisto relativo al precedente bando e che aveva chiesto, nella famosa busta A, la mega-darsena e l’abbattimento del Monoblocco , richieste recepite nonostante la petizione sottoscritta more than 8,000 population.
East Capital and its consortium a public declaration of non-interest in acquiring. It 's very strong, in fact, suspect that this is a "game" (at the expense of the territory and the right to health) to lower the price and get more concessions.
This would be an unacceptable blackmail to the city and the municipal authority as unacceptable is the svendit to a public property (bound) and a unique environment (bound) to build a 2,500-seat movie theater!
We appeal to the Mayor, the Presidents of the Province and the Region, the aldermen, councilors, parliamentarians Venetians to reject any request for further negotiations on the issues covered by the notice as is already the ultimate garage sale.
We also learned that has been called for December 29, the Conference Services for approval of various projects related to the Lido and the Certosa, falling under the Commissioner. Another shameful thing! E 'unacceptable that at the height of festivities, with no obligation to maturity, will be adopted, such a project of this importance and impact. We wonder
where she is the democracy in the face of even large-scale mobilization against it. The projects were never presented to the public, the site special is "under construction" and shows only the tender for the former OAM, a few minutes of the past and some ordinances. Who knows for example that the project will be approved and that will make
Promenade, a public place?
will be finally approved, among others, the project on the Park of Roses, a project of individuals for private purposes. The Park (tied), with tall trees and a wonderful example of white wisteria, which remain little-seen as ci risulta- il progetto prevede 24.000 metri cubi e due piani interrati: uno a garage per le abitazioni che verranno costruite e uno a supermercato.
Ricordiamo che il Comune a suo tempo aveva proposto una soluzione accettabile con due edifici a “L” nella zona più manomessa. Ma ovviamente alla proprietà ciò non è sufficiente. E' questa la valorizzazione dell'isola? Cemento e cemento e profitti privati, vedi anche il Forte (vincolato) di Malamocco ....
Chiediamo, come regalo di Natale alla democrazia prima di tutto, le dimissioni del Commissario Spaziante, per palese inadempienza al suo mandato: il nuovo Palazzo Film is still a crater, which has undoubtedly embarrass the film festival and the city.
Venice, December 22, 2010
Coordination of Environmental Association of Lido
Movement for the Defence of Public Health
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Funny Invitation Wording Wedding For Friends
Have you ever wondered why during the election campaigns we hear some good programs, all Politicians say they are close to the city, "the Citizen Above all, I will be your spokesperson, will not move without your opinion leaf: democracy, participation, etc.. etc.. "and then when one is elected to a national says
you do not understand anything, you are so many? do not understand anything. You are the majority? Did you vote? Keep everyone not understand anything! In fact we have not understood that we should not vote for him. This is usually the case with all politicians of any color. In particular, the Venetians, and particularly the lidensi have been noticed immediately, but, unfortunately, immediately after the vote. Maybe he had become aware at least before the primaries. But what is happening in this city? There is talk of dial card, sublagunare, culling monoblock the Lido, a devastating offshore projects, cementing in place of the green island and the mainland, Construction of hotels, etc. .. We are confident that this is what the public want? Just possible that a politician comes into play is as playmates always the usual suspects and the people as an opponent? Possible that few people can make their interests as citizens should always be? Recent events have given a clear answer: "yes."
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Color Chart For Feria
Coordination of environmental associations of the Lido and the Movement for the Defence of Public Health set out a list, in the spirit of the operation of cultural Saviano and Fazio, then the values \u200b\u200bof legality, democracy, respect, respect even the fundamental right health and to safeguard its territory (and sold out to the devastated province of the few).
- Reduction of the historic pine trees, the row of oak trees and part of the park bound former Casino (for a total of 130 tall trees ).
- Sale of areas of the former Ospedale al Mare, the assets of public and also the result of philanthropic donations.
- Felling Block (despite promises), whose recent restoration has cost € 5.6 million (public money).
- Loss dell'idroambulanza down to St. Nicholas, the thalassotherapy pool, radiology, 2 beds of sub-intensive, intensive care doctors for emergencies and emergencies, the day-surgery.
- Use for other purposes of the 23 million euro were to strengthen health services to the island.
- Grant to private dell'Arenile front of the former Ospedale al Mare (one of the few remaining public beaches on the Lido).
- cementing the green of the Favorita.
- Construction of a mega-marina (marina international ") along the dam of St. Nicholas, the beach front.
- Destruction of a major part of the SIC (Site of Community Importance) of St. Nicholas, one of the last coastal areas of the Adriatic that Europe requires us to maintain a favorable condition.
- Construction of a crescent near the lighthouse of St. Nicholas, already rejected in 2004 by the expert committee of the City and County as ineffective in reducing the lunar tides and judged by the former Minister for the dangerous pollution of beaches, but hours to the functional mega-designed dock.
- Loss of one of the last natural places of peace and tranquility of the Lido.
- Pollution of beaches (especially in its northern portion) with a heavy impact on tourism.
- Probable Loss of the flag Blue recently assigned to the Lido.
- exponential increase in the traffic island.
- Contamination of public ferry-boat already on the edge of collapse.
- appointed by the President of the Council of Ministers of a Special Commissioner (Civil Protection) with powers over the island and that of the Certosa of derogation from the normal and institutional activities that compete for local authorities and statutory legislation.
- Adoption as part of the commissioner of speculative projects, such as the Park of Roses and the bound on the monumental strong Malamocco century (construction of about thirty houses, a hotel, a "spa", an inevitable pool).
- Limitation of the popular will expressed by more than 8,000 signatures in support of the block and the environment.
- In complex financial transaction that greatly favors the private interests at the expense of the public good.
- A movie theater with 2,500 seats, whose value for the revival of the Film Festival in Venice was, moreover, publicly challenged by the industry (including Adriano Donaggio, professor and expert in communication and organization of cultural events) and prestigious personalities from the cultural (including Amerigo Restucci, Rector of the University Institute of Architecture in Venice and Director La Biennale di Venezia).
- The withdrawal of the tender for the sale of the former Ospedale al Mare, the preservation of the fireplace, the protection of environmental features of the Lido and the initiation of new projects for the effective revival of the Film Festival in Venice and the effective exploitation of the island.
- The resignation of the Special Commissioner Vincent Spaziante for clear breach of the mandate (the construction of the new Palazzo del Cinema for the celebrations of 150 years of the Unification of Italy - now there's only one big hole).
Venice, December 2010
Coordination of environmental associations of the Lido and the Movement for the Defence of Public Health set out a list, in the spirit of the operation of cultural Saviano and Fazio, then the values \u200b\u200bof legality, democracy, respect, respect even the fundamental right health and to safeguard its territory (and sold out to the devastated province of the few).

- Reduction of the historic pine trees, the row of oak trees and part of the park bound former Casino (for a total of 130 tall trees ).
- Sale of areas of the former Ospedale al Mare, the assets of public and also the result of philanthropic donations.
- Felling Block (despite promises), whose recent restoration has cost € 5.6 million (public money).
- Loss dell'idroambulanza down to St. Nicholas, the thalassotherapy pool, radiology, 2 beds of sub-intensive, intensive care doctors for emergencies and emergencies, the day-surgery.
- Use for other purposes of the 23 million euro were to strengthen health services to the island.
- Grant to private dell'Arenile front of the former Ospedale al Mare (one of the few remaining public beaches on the Lido).
- cementing the green of the Favorita.
- Construction of a mega-marina (marina international ") along the dam of St. Nicholas, the beach front.
- Destruction of a major part of the SIC (Site of Community Importance) of St. Nicholas, one of the last coastal areas of the Adriatic that Europe requires us to maintain a favorable condition.
- Construction of a crescent near the lighthouse of St. Nicholas, already rejected in 2004 by the expert committee of the City and County as ineffective in reducing the lunar tides and judged by the former Minister for the dangerous pollution of beaches, but hours to the functional mega-designed dock.
- Loss of one of the last natural places of peace and tranquility of the Lido.
- Pollution of beaches (especially in its northern portion) with a heavy impact on tourism.
- Probable Loss of the flag Blue recently assigned to the Lido.
- exponential increase in the traffic island.
- Contamination of public ferry-boat already on the edge of collapse.
- appointed by the President of the Council of Ministers of a Special Commissioner (Civil Protection) with powers over the island and that of the Certosa of derogation from the normal and institutional activities that compete for local authorities and statutory legislation.
- Adoption as part of the commissioner of speculative projects, such as the Park of Roses and the bound on the monumental strong Malamocco century (construction of about thirty houses, a hotel, a "spa", an inevitable pool).
- Limitation of the popular will expressed by more than 8,000 signatures in support of the block and the environment.
- In complex financial transaction that greatly favors the private interests at the expense of the public good.
- A movie theater with 2,500 seats, whose value for the revival of the Film Festival in Venice was, moreover, publicly challenged by the industry (including Adriano Donaggio, professor and expert in communication and organization of cultural events) and prestigious personalities from the cultural (including Amerigo Restucci, Rector of the University Institute of Architecture in Venice and Director La Biennale di Venezia).
- The withdrawal of the tender for the sale of the former Ospedale al Mare, the preservation of the fireplace, the protection of environmental features of the Lido and the initiation of new projects for the effective revival of the Film Festival in Venice and the effective exploitation of the island.
- The resignation of the Special Commissioner Vincent Spaziante for clear breach of the mandate (the construction of the new Palazzo del Cinema for the celebrations of 150 years of the Unification of Italy - now there's only one big hole).
Venice, December 2010
Gallbladder Polyps Pregnancy
Short memory
Two years ago when he envisaged the cutting of pine trees for the construction of the movie palace, he was opposed to the whole operation said: "Save Green and cinema would be the optimum, but the two best to save the plants. I do not understand why stress. The new building should be built elsewhere. "
If we had done what was said by the great at this time not ci saremo trovati impelagati in questa devastante operazione.
Grazie Mario Monicelli.
Friday, December 3, 2010
Friday, November 26, 2010
Examples Dermal Piercings
Biciplan: a nice soup.
Un biciplan che ha scontentato tutti i presenti che un po’ alla volta hanno abbandonato la sala.
Sarà per una impossibile lettura delle minuscole tavole proiettate, sarà per l’incomprensibilità nella spiegazione dei dettagli. Un incontro che non è servito a niente e non solo per quanto detto prima ma anche perché non si è fatto altro che parlare di costi: questa pista costerebbe così, oppure questa, ma costerebbe troppo, l’alternativa costerà meno ma…
Knowing that whatever the choice there is no money and Biciplan if you will, it will only see our grandchildren.
We saw a lot of good will on the part of designers, but in practice we have seen a project that has nothing to do with the bike paths in safety. Only 10% of trips treaties may be said to be "secure" the rest are the usual "lines on the ground."
Most of the tracks, or rather tracks have been laid on the pavement, reducing the width of the sidewalk and entering a path for bicycles off the bare minimum (for the two-way traffic) at the same level of the sidewalk and without separation . Risoluzione assurda in quanto il pedone, abituato al marciapiede normale, facilmente sconfina sulla pista ciclabile rischiando di provocare un incidente, non dico mortale, ma rilevante. Non piace a nessuno essere investito alle spalle da una bicicletta. Bisognerà istruire i pedoni, è la risposta, oppure spendere di più con una pista diversa. Infatti per fare le vere piste in sicurezza occorrerebbero ancora altri soldi oltre a quelli che non ci sono. La ciliegina sulla torta poi è stata la presa d’atto che tutti i nuovi lavori fatti durante la giunta precedente, tra inutili megamarciapiedi, auto in sosta, stringimenti di carreggiata, aiuole inadeguate, è stata compromessa la creazione delle piste che potevano, come abbiamo tutti noi (dell’AltroLido) sempre sostenuto, essere previste prima dei lavori. Gli interventi del pubblico sono stati quasi tutti di critica, ma non solo su quello che forse si farà, ma anche su quello che è stato già fatto: un abitante di Pellestrina, con tanto di abbondante documentazione fotografica della nuova piste dell’isola, ha dimostrato gli aspetti devastanti a cui si andrebbe incontro se si seguisse la stessa via. Dopo questo incontro, finalmente abbiamo le idee chiare, abbiamo assistito ad un bel minestrone che non serve a nulla e siamo usciti convinti di aver perso inutilmente due ore del nostro tempo.
Un biciplan che ha scontentato tutti i presenti che un po’ alla volta hanno abbandonato la sala.

Knowing that whatever the choice there is no money and Biciplan if you will, it will only see our grandchildren.
We saw a lot of good will on the part of designers, but in practice we have seen a project that has nothing to do with the bike paths in safety. Only 10% of trips treaties may be said to be "secure" the rest are the usual "lines on the ground."
Most of the tracks, or rather tracks have been laid on the pavement, reducing the width of the sidewalk and entering a path for bicycles off the bare minimum (for the two-way traffic) at the same level of the sidewalk and without separation . Risoluzione assurda in quanto il pedone, abituato al marciapiede normale, facilmente sconfina sulla pista ciclabile rischiando di provocare un incidente, non dico mortale, ma rilevante. Non piace a nessuno essere investito alle spalle da una bicicletta. Bisognerà istruire i pedoni, è la risposta, oppure spendere di più con una pista diversa. Infatti per fare le vere piste in sicurezza occorrerebbero ancora altri soldi oltre a quelli che non ci sono. La ciliegina sulla torta poi è stata la presa d’atto che tutti i nuovi lavori fatti durante la giunta precedente, tra inutili megamarciapiedi, auto in sosta, stringimenti di carreggiata, aiuole inadeguate, è stata compromessa la creazione delle piste che potevano, come abbiamo tutti noi (dell’AltroLido) sempre sostenuto, essere previste prima dei lavori. Gli interventi del pubblico sono stati quasi tutti di critica, ma non solo su quello che forse si farà, ma anche su quello che è stato già fatto: un abitante di Pellestrina, con tanto di abbondante documentazione fotografica della nuova piste dell’isola, ha dimostrato gli aspetti devastanti a cui si andrebbe incontro se si seguisse la stessa via. Dopo questo incontro, finalmente abbiamo le idee chiare, abbiamo assistito ad un bel minestrone che non serve a nulla e siamo usciti convinti di aver perso inutilmente due ore del nostro tempo.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Monday, November 22, 2010
Sensitivity To Pain Menstrual Period
Forti, culling routes and ferry
Today I was at lunch and, as always, the TV was turned on the TV news on the Veneto Rai 3.
I went the wrong way, I have not eaten and I'm here to write this letter.
Here is the news:
Verona was established network of Austrian fort that will be also restored with funds that Europe has made available for the restructuring of the nineteenth century strong. The aim is not only cultural tourist routes have been designed for visitors who will be publicized. But then, we had the opportunity to get European funds. We are smarter. We have completely destroyed the fort of the four fountains in the square and the casino, dove si facevano delle visite guidate, si sta demolendo l’interno del Forte di Malamocco, è sparito il bunker degli Alberoni, non si poteva approfittare dei fondi europei per finalmente restaurare quelle opere ? Nemmeno il tornaconto turistico ha mosso chi abbiamo eletto, visto che l’aspetto storico e culturale ormai sembrano non interessare “questo” Lido. Il Lido dell’ignoranza, della non memoria, della vergogna.
Today I was at lunch and, as always, the TV was turned on the TV news on the Veneto Rai 3.
I went the wrong way, I have not eaten and I'm here to write this letter.
Here is the news:
Verona was established network of Austrian fort that will be also restored with funds that Europe has made available for the restructuring of the nineteenth century strong. The aim is not only cultural tourist routes have been designed for visitors who will be publicized. But then, we had the opportunity to get European funds. We are smarter. We have completely destroyed the fort of the four fountains in the square and the casino, dove si facevano delle visite guidate, si sta demolendo l’interno del Forte di Malamocco, è sparito il bunker degli Alberoni, non si poteva approfittare dei fondi europei per finalmente restaurare quelle opere ? Nemmeno il tornaconto turistico ha mosso chi abbiamo eletto, visto che l’aspetto storico e culturale ormai sembrano non interessare “questo” Lido. Il Lido dell’ignoranza, della non memoria, della vergogna.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Spreading Genital Herpes On My Nose
Mi risulta che il Magistrato alle acque (il Gazzettino 24/01/2010) diceva quanto segue: " L'operazione di rimozione delle decine di sacchi in cui avevamo messo l'eternit e la sabbia è stata invece rallentata perchè Actv, per regolamento, we could not grant the use of one of his ferry boat to load the truck, since the toxic materials. We had to hire a barge for transfer to the mainland. "Now the Extraordinary Commissioner Dr. Spaziante (the Gazzettino 13/11/2010) says:" So the only solution was to reopen once the site of PalaCinema and "pocket" materials that are then loaded onto trucks from time to time and, through the ferry-boat of the Lido, opened the landfill. "Questions: The ferry-boat of the Lido is ACTV? The extraordinary powers of the Commissioner against Actv are higher than those of the Magistrate Acque ?
Mi risulta che il Magistrato alle acque (il Gazzettino 24/01/2010) diceva quanto segue: " L'operazione di rimozione delle decine di sacchi in cui avevamo messo l'eternit e la sabbia è stata invece rallentata perchè Actv, per regolamento, we could not grant the use of one of his ferry boat to load the truck, since the toxic materials. We had to hire a barge for transfer to the mainland. "Now the Extraordinary Commissioner Dr. Spaziante (the Gazzettino 13/11/2010) says:" So the only solution was to reopen once the site of PalaCinema and "pocket" materials that are then loaded onto trucks from time to time and, through the ferry-boat of the Lido, opened the landfill. "Questions: The ferry-boat of the Lido is ACTV? The extraordinary powers of the Commissioner against Actv are higher than those of the Magistrate Acque ?
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Samantha 38g Free Vids
Leone and Via Crucis (architect Henry Battistini)
Alla fine del mese di ottobre 2003 sono stati asportati dalla chiesetta di Santa Maria Nascente, situata nell'area dell'ex Ospedale al Mare, 15 quadri rappresentanti la "Via Crucis" opera del pittore veneziano Giuseppe Cherubini. L'operazione,eseguita per conto della struttura che lei - dott. Padoan - dirige è stata motivata da non precisati "interventi di restauro". A distanza di 7 anni i quadri non sono stati rimessi al loro posto. Nella prima decade del mese di ottobre 2008 un'operazione analoga è stata effettuata, sempre dall'Ulss 12 veneziana, ed ha avuto per oggetto l'effigie di un leone marciano in pietra d'Istria collocato sopra una colonna posta nei giardini dell'ex Opedale al Mare. La statua è stata "presa in consegna" e trasferita in un magazzino a Mestre ove attualmente risiede. Posso pensare che l'Ulss 12 veneziana abbia titoli legali per compiere queste operazioni ma è anche vero che sussiste un "diritto morale" acquisito dalla comunità pastorale lidense che frequenta da anni la chiesetta di Santa Maria Nascente e che vede nell'asportazione della "Via Crucis" una ferita alla propria devozione. Anche l'asportazione del leone marciano ferisce la comunità civile del Lido che da più di due anni chiede invano che la statua venga riportata nell'isola per essere collocata nella piazzetta Lepanto quale simbolo d'appartenenza del Lido alla città di Venezia. La invito pertanto dr. Padoan a provvedere alla restituzione della "via Crucis" alla pietà dei credenti ed alla consegna del leone marciano alla Municipalità del Lido che ne ha fatto esplicita richiesta confortata anche dall'assenso della Soprintendente ai Monumenti arch.Renata Codello.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Pokemon Platinum Best Parties
Tamteatromusica - video art in Padova
Tam Teatromusica is a theater company founded in Padua in 1980 research conducted by Michael Sambin.
The city of Padua in collaboration with the Veneto Region has organized an exhibition devoted to their three decades of activity, which was held at the Cultural Center Altinate / Padova from May 8 to June 6, 2010.
This experimental video in 1985. Prior to being a show small pieces and an idea: assemble in a single space-time self-employed several pieces with the intent to make an evening program, as well as naturally happens in music. The individual compositions can be assembled in different order, leave some room for other depending on the scope or the place in which will be hosted. Short bows dramaturgical they live within each composition. The dramatic arc of the show lies in the choice of the sequence, the number and specificity of individual small pieces organized in time. A special feature is that the work pieces, having to express it in a short time, have the ability to maintain the freshness of the first impulse input.
Tam Teatromusica is a theater company founded in Padua in 1980 research conducted by Michael Sambin.
The city of Padua in collaboration with the Veneto Region has organized an exhibition devoted to their three decades of activity, which was held at the Cultural Center Altinate / Padova from May 8 to June 6, 2010.
This experimental video in 1985. Prior to being a show small pieces and an idea: assemble in a single space-time self-employed several pieces with the intent to make an evening program, as well as naturally happens in music. The individual compositions can be assembled in different order, leave some room for other depending on the scope or the place in which will be hosted. Short bows dramaturgical they live within each composition. The dramatic arc of the show lies in the choice of the sequence, the number and specificity of individual small pieces organized in time. A special feature is that the work pieces, having to express it in a short time, have the ability to maintain the freshness of the first impulse input.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Portable Generator Rain Cover
The Art of Alessandro Pomi
student of Ettore Tito Accademia di Belle Arti in Venice, where he had been writing since 1903, the Venetian Alessandro Pomi begins early in the national landscape exhibition of exhibitions Ca 'Pesaro since 1910, but soon found important to mention criticism during his appearance at the First International Exhibition of Valle Giulia in Rome in 1911 (where the notice Vittorio Pica) and the following year the international limelight as the Venice Biennale, with the Test debut reported in the press by Hugh Ojetti, Gino Damerini and Louis Coletti (in 1914 instead expose the malicious Divettes, near the modern Bacchanal shown at Ca 'Pesaro in 1911 and performing in Joseph Zancolla Bohème). In the first pre-war, when placing his decorations for theater and cinema Toniolo Mestre Excelsior, there are also opportunities for young Pomi comparison with central European crossroads Munich reality ruled by Franz von Stuck, where Edmund Matter was passed as early as 1913 he was present at the exposure of Glaspalast, while during the years of conflict will join with my friend Gigi De Giudici to projects sponsored by Venetian artists of the Hotel Victoria Show Bonvecchiati and, in addition to actions to support the needs of nations battles launched by the Red Cross.
In a sign of revival of artistic activity of Ca 'Pesaro in the First World War and the rebirth of the Club Venetian artist moves the fruitful work of Alessandro Pomi, which the soul with Hilary Blacks partnership of Venetian painters and became a constant figure at exhibitions held in cities and different provinces Veneto, between Padova, Treviso, Vicenza and Verona, where he will likely way to get in touch with Lionel Rivers. When you start the rest of the twenties is its strong present at the Venice Biennale, where there were major sales - such as those intimate Vespers at the Museum of Tokyo in 1922 - and ready agreement has been given also by the foreign press (especially "The Studio" August 1924), while in the halls you could see paintings like The experiment, with the assembly of the three chemicals in severe white facing in consonance with the surgeons and Dr. Ubaldo Oppi Zancolla Del Nero. If parallel Pomi continued to play with great ease decorative themes for the Hotel Danieli in Venice and the rebuilt City Hall Asiago, è comunque in questo contesto che viene a concretizzarsi il suo impegno nell'arte sacra, allorquando egli parteciperà alla Mostra Nazionale, per cui disegnerà pure il manifesto, svolta in Palazzo Reale sotto l'egida dei fratelli Celso e Giovanni Costantini, mentre tra la primavera e l'estate del 1925 farà parte della giuria di accettazione dell'Esposizione d'Arte dei Combattenti delle Tre Venezie.
Al di là della ribalta europea Pomi non trascura quella americana e tra il 1924 e il 1936 esporrà con costanza e successo non solo agli annuali appuntamenti di Pittsburgh - dove ottiene nel 1931, anno in cui comparirà anche Cenacolo e che vedrà il pittore pure alla Prima Quadriennale di Roma, il premio popolare con Susanna -, But in Philadelphia, St. Louis, Baltimore and Toledo. The Gardens of the Biennale for another seven times during the thirties and forties and important initiatives promoted by the regime, such as Nobel Cremona, strengthens the fortune of the Venetian tradition of painting themes of the lagoon, which the Italian critics and American will continue to anchor it, already recognized by Michele Biancale the staff at the Galleria Pesaro in Milan in 1928. On his preference for the portrait and figure, so the companion Hilary Blacks showed a firm appreciation, join the studio interiors with figures silent shadows and domestic routes from the sea, with boats wedged against a sky dazzled since the end of the Twenties make their way models exotic travel in Africa and the transition on the banks of the Tagus. If you
particularly between the wars that his personality does not lose its polish, with the pictures shown to the personal reviews occurred after the Second World War (though the 1948 is the last step in the Venice Biennale, had just shown in Milan and Trieste ) remains an enduring commercial success and takes his body far more contemplative, measured in the self-portraits, often in the most sacred subjects (paintings in Trentino and Lombardy, Vittorio Veneto, and Spresiano Cordenons), those in the music and still lifes, developed largely in connection with a chronologically extended beyond the early sixties, in the capital lagoon Alessandro Pomi will compete, like what he had done Alessandro Milesi, the effigies of the churchmen and retract Roncalli. Stefano
student of Ettore Tito Accademia di Belle Arti in Venice, where he had been writing since 1903, the Venetian Alessandro Pomi begins early in the national landscape exhibition of exhibitions Ca 'Pesaro since 1910, but soon found important to mention criticism during his appearance at the First International Exhibition of Valle Giulia in Rome in 1911 (where the notice Vittorio Pica) and the following year the international limelight as the Venice Biennale, with the Test debut reported in the press by Hugh Ojetti, Gino Damerini and Louis Coletti (in 1914 instead expose the malicious Divettes, near the modern Bacchanal shown at Ca 'Pesaro in 1911 and performing in Joseph Zancolla Bohème). In the first pre-war, when placing his decorations for theater and cinema Toniolo Mestre Excelsior, there are also opportunities for young Pomi comparison with central European crossroads Munich reality ruled by Franz von Stuck, where Edmund Matter was passed as early as 1913 he was present at the exposure of Glaspalast, while during the years of conflict will join with my friend Gigi De Giudici to projects sponsored by Venetian artists of the Hotel Victoria Show Bonvecchiati and, in addition to actions to support the needs of nations battles launched by the Red Cross.
In a sign of revival of artistic activity of Ca 'Pesaro in the First World War and the rebirth of the Club Venetian artist moves the fruitful work of Alessandro Pomi, which the soul with Hilary Blacks partnership of Venetian painters and became a constant figure at exhibitions held in cities and different provinces Veneto, between Padova, Treviso, Vicenza and Verona, where he will likely way to get in touch with Lionel Rivers. When you start the rest of the twenties is its strong present at the Venice Biennale, where there were major sales - such as those intimate Vespers at the Museum of Tokyo in 1922 - and ready agreement has been given also by the foreign press (especially "The Studio" August 1924), while in the halls you could see paintings like The experiment, with the assembly of the three chemicals in severe white facing in consonance with the surgeons and Dr. Ubaldo Oppi Zancolla Del Nero. If parallel Pomi continued to play with great ease decorative themes for the Hotel Danieli in Venice and the rebuilt City Hall Asiago, è comunque in questo contesto che viene a concretizzarsi il suo impegno nell'arte sacra, allorquando egli parteciperà alla Mostra Nazionale, per cui disegnerà pure il manifesto, svolta in Palazzo Reale sotto l'egida dei fratelli Celso e Giovanni Costantini, mentre tra la primavera e l'estate del 1925 farà parte della giuria di accettazione dell'Esposizione d'Arte dei Combattenti delle Tre Venezie.
Al di là della ribalta europea Pomi non trascura quella americana e tra il 1924 e il 1936 esporrà con costanza e successo non solo agli annuali appuntamenti di Pittsburgh - dove ottiene nel 1931, anno in cui comparirà anche Cenacolo e che vedrà il pittore pure alla Prima Quadriennale di Roma, il premio popolare con Susanna -, But in Philadelphia, St. Louis, Baltimore and Toledo. The Gardens of the Biennale for another seven times during the thirties and forties and important initiatives promoted by the regime, such as Nobel Cremona, strengthens the fortune of the Venetian tradition of painting themes of the lagoon, which the Italian critics and American will continue to anchor it, already recognized by Michele Biancale the staff at the Galleria Pesaro in Milan in 1928. On his preference for the portrait and figure, so the companion Hilary Blacks showed a firm appreciation, join the studio interiors with figures silent shadows and domestic routes from the sea, with boats wedged against a sky dazzled since the end of the Twenties make their way models exotic travel in Africa and the transition on the banks of the Tagus. If you
particularly between the wars that his personality does not lose its polish, with the pictures shown to the personal reviews occurred after the Second World War (though the 1948 is the last step in the Venice Biennale, had just shown in Milan and Trieste ) remains an enduring commercial success and takes his body far more contemplative, measured in the self-portraits, often in the most sacred subjects (paintings in Trentino and Lombardy, Vittorio Veneto, and Spresiano Cordenons), those in the music and still lifes, developed largely in connection with a chronologically extended beyond the early sixties, in the capital lagoon Alessandro Pomi will compete, like what he had done Alessandro Milesi, the effigies of the churchmen and retract Roncalli. Stefano
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Cheshire Cat Costume Ideas Men
Monica Marioni, a video artist in Venice Death in Venice
Among the contemporary Italian artists who else does not waste time between painting and video art to question and proposes a direct and bold, a few meters away, between interpreting both the two media: Monica Marioni. Since June of this year
Monica Marioni participates in Détournement Venise 2009, a fringe event at the 53rd Venice Biennale DART, video installation with limponente EGO.Ad it now joins ALTER EGO, exposure of 13 in his latest mixed media on canvas in public areas of Hotel Hilton Molino Stucky Venice. Over the past three years
Marioni has exhibited at Gallery in Miami Carlo Livi, Poltrona Frau showroom in Washington DC, at the Museum of Italian Art in Lima (Peru) and in several other occasions in Italy. Born near Treviso in 1972, graduated in Statistics, he soon abandoned the managerial career to devote himself entirely allarte.Nel 2004 was discovered by the curator of international Antonina Zaru, owner of Capri Capricorn Gallery based in Washington DC and is already linked the success of artists like Frink, Pignatelli, Nam June Paik.
Among the contemporary Italian artists who else does not waste time between painting and video art to question and proposes a direct and bold, a few meters away, between interpreting both the two media: Monica Marioni. Since June of this year
Monica Marioni participates in Détournement Venise 2009, a fringe event at the 53rd Venice Biennale DART, video installation with limponente EGO.Ad it now joins ALTER EGO, exposure of 13 in his latest mixed media on canvas in public areas of Hotel Hilton Molino Stucky Venice. Over the past three years
Marioni has exhibited at Gallery in Miami Carlo Livi, Poltrona Frau showroom in Washington DC, at the Museum of Italian Art in Lima (Peru) and in several other occasions in Italy. Born near Treviso in 1972, graduated in Statistics, he soon abandoned the managerial career to devote himself entirely allarte.Nel 2004 was discovered by the curator of international Antonina Zaru, owner of Capri Capricorn Gallery based in Washington DC and is already linked the success of artists like Frink, Pignatelli, Nam June Paik.
Monday, February 22, 2010
A Good Caputre Card For Macbook Hdmi
- experimental video art
We offer today this video art titled Death in Venice. Enjoy
We offer today this video art titled Death in Venice. Enjoy
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Lightning Strikes Dish
mirror on the wall who's the real artist?
part of traveling art exhibition "Mirror on the wall who's the real artist?", Edited by. "Neo Cultural Association Udine is located in the exhibition at Palazzo Locatelli Cormons of three artists: Manuela Sedmach of Trieste, Carlo Andreasi Legnago, and Anna Pontel of Gorizia.
artists present their works in the form of video, painting, object, installation, graphic design, photography, sculpture and building relazioni con il sito storico-artistico che le ospitano, e con il pubblico presente, alla scoperta del fatto che nulla è più indispensabile del superfluo.
part of traveling art exhibition "Mirror on the wall who's the real artist?", Edited by. "Neo Cultural Association Udine is located in the exhibition at Palazzo Locatelli Cormons of three artists: Manuela Sedmach of Trieste, Carlo Andreasi Legnago, and Anna Pontel of Gorizia.
artists present their works in the form of video, painting, object, installation, graphic design, photography, sculpture and building relazioni con il sito storico-artistico che le ospitano, e con il pubblico presente, alla scoperta del fatto che nulla è più indispensabile del superfluo.
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