Coordination of environmental associations of the Lido and the Movement for the Defence of Public Health set out a list, in the spirit of the operation of cultural Saviano and Fazio, then the values \u200b\u200bof legality, democracy, respect, respect even the fundamental right health and to safeguard its territory (and sold out to the devastated province of the few).

- Reduction of the historic pine trees, the row of oak trees and part of the park bound former Casino (for a total of 130 tall trees ).
- Sale of areas of the former Ospedale al Mare, the assets of public and also the result of philanthropic donations.
- Felling Block (despite promises), whose recent restoration has cost € 5.6 million (public money).
- Loss dell'idroambulanza down to St. Nicholas, the thalassotherapy pool, radiology, 2 beds of sub-intensive, intensive care doctors for emergencies and emergencies, the day-surgery.
- Use for other purposes of the 23 million euro were to strengthen health services to the island.
- Grant to private dell'Arenile front of the former Ospedale al Mare (one of the few remaining public beaches on the Lido).
- cementing the green of the Favorita.
- Construction of a mega-marina (marina international ") along the dam of St. Nicholas, the beach front.
- Destruction of a major part of the SIC (Site of Community Importance) of St. Nicholas, one of the last coastal areas of the Adriatic that Europe requires us to maintain a favorable condition.
- Construction of a crescent near the lighthouse of St. Nicholas, already rejected in 2004 by the expert committee of the City and County as ineffective in reducing the lunar tides and judged by the former Minister for the dangerous pollution of beaches, but hours to the functional mega-designed dock.
- Loss of one of the last natural places of peace and tranquility of the Lido.
- Pollution of beaches (especially in its northern portion) with a heavy impact on tourism.
- Probable Loss of the flag Blue recently assigned to the Lido.
- exponential increase in the traffic island.
- Contamination of public ferry-boat already on the edge of collapse.
- appointed by the President of the Council of Ministers of a Special Commissioner (Civil Protection) with powers over the island and that of the Certosa of derogation from the normal and institutional activities that compete for local authorities and statutory legislation.
- Adoption as part of the commissioner of speculative projects, such as the Park of Roses and the bound on the monumental strong Malamocco century (construction of about thirty houses, a hotel, a "spa", an inevitable pool).
- Limitation of the popular will expressed by more than 8,000 signatures in support of the block and the environment.
- In complex financial transaction that greatly favors the private interests at the expense of the public good.
- A movie theater with 2,500 seats, whose value for the revival of the Film Festival in Venice was, moreover, publicly challenged by the industry (including Adriano Donaggio, professor and expert in communication and organization of cultural events) and prestigious personalities from the cultural (including Amerigo Restucci, Rector of the University Institute of Architecture in Venice and Director La Biennale di Venezia).
- The withdrawal of the tender for the sale of the former Ospedale al Mare, the preservation of the fireplace, the protection of environmental features of the Lido and the initiation of new projects for the effective revival of the Film Festival in Venice and the effective exploitation of the island.
- The resignation of the Special Commissioner Vincent Spaziante for clear breach of the mandate (the construction of the new Palazzo del Cinema for the celebrations of 150 years of the Unification of Italy - now there's only one big hole).
Venice, December 2010
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