Mi risulta che il Magistrato alle acque (il Gazzettino 24/01/2010) diceva quanto segue: " L'operazione di rimozione delle decine di sacchi in cui avevamo messo l'eternit e la sabbia è stata invece rallentata perchè Actv, per regolamento, we could not grant the use of one of his ferry boat to load the truck, since the toxic materials. We had to hire a barge for transfer to the mainland. "Now the Extraordinary Commissioner Dr. Spaziante (the Gazzettino 13/11/2010) says:" So the only solution was to reopen once the site of PalaCinema and "pocket" materials that are then loaded onto trucks from time to time and, through the ferry-boat of the Lido, opened the landfill. "Questions: The ferry-boat of the Lido is ACTV? The extraordinary powers of the Commissioner against Actv are higher than those of the Magistrate Acque ?
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