La mostra, curata da Giovanni Gentili e Don Gianmatteo Caputo, si tiene presso il Chiostro di Sant'Apollonia al museo diocesano di Venezia.
100 capolavori per una mostra che racconta la grande storia dai primi insediamenti lagunari alla fine del Duecento attraverso gli splendori di quell'arte che, generatasi a Bisanzio, troverà nella laguna veneta l’ambiente ideale in cui crescere e svilupparsi, dando origine a novità forms and expressions that are, even today, the magic of the charm of Venice and Torcello.
The journey starts in the fifth and seventh centuries, the age of the "first" Torcello, where the oldest traces and artifacts, the exhibition continues by explaining the origins of the lagoon sculpture: marble tiles inhabited by peacocks and Fantastic Beasts and pluteus valuable, along with outstanding contributions from the mainland.
Another stop is Torcello mosaics dedicated to the wonderful, including the monumental "Last Judgement" on the counter: a digital reproduction made with laser technology will allow a "vision" exceptional since in detail. The iconographic themes present in the mosaics will be documented in the exhibition by several works of art, including works in gold and silver, ivory, precious stones and enamel from the major museums of Europe, while another great series of articles, as valuable miniatures, bindings of illuminated manuscripts, reliquaries, processional crosses of absolute artistic value that also document the high technical executive of the Byzantine and Venetian goldsmiths - will revive the solemn liturgies in Torcello in its golden age.
The last section of the exhibition is dedicated to the icons. Received numerous species in the lagoon after 1204, the year of the Fourth Crusade, the Byzantine images of Christ, the Virgin, the angels and saints are clothed with light, adorned with stones, enamel and precious metals, or be constructed of fine materials such as ivory, micro mosaic and silks from gold and silver threads . The activity of the Adriatic's launch of new workers around the end of the thirteenth century, the Venetian painting more properly, present here in its rare extant episodes, which will be in Paolo Veneziano, now in the fourteenth century, its undisputed master.
Here's the address of the exhibition: Castello, 4312-30122 Venice
The period from 29 August 2009 to January 10, 2010, with the following opening hours: daily 10.00-18.00. The cost
Tickets are € 5.00 (Concessions: € 4.00 for children under 12 years, for groups of 20 people, IKEA Family Card holders)
The ticket entitles you to visit the Basilica of Santa Maria Assunta of Torcello until January 10, 2010
Guided tours can be made only by prior appointment at the following telephone number +39041 2413817 (www.millenniotorcello.it)
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