Wear, an installation exhibition in Trento
Logorio è una sensazione che distrugge, un avanzare continuo che aliena, un vuoto che avanza...ma è anche il titolo dell'istallazione audio-ambientale realizzata da artemad in occasione della mostra "Isolina e le altre" presso il Centro di Arte Contemporanea di Cavalese in provincia di Trento.
La mostra, inaugurata il 25 Novembre 2009 (Giornata mondiale contro la violenza sulle donne), raccoglie opere di diversi artisti provenienti da tutt' Italia and focuses on violence against women.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Rusian Family Naturism
In the hundred years of football Padova
is about to close the cultural center of San Gaetano di Padova, the exhibition of the centenary of Calcio Padova. Here's the video.
is about to close the cultural center of San Gaetano di Padova, the exhibition of the centenary of Calcio Padova. Here's the video.
Friday, November 27, 2009
Weird Stomach Feeling Turning
An installation on the Grand Canal in Venice, to future telecom center
New experimental forms of art, perception, vision ... here is the table version of the installation of the water Venice Canal View (Telecom Future Centre, Venice 6 to 11 September 2009). The projection shows a panoramic video images composed of 530 to 360 ° along the Grand Canal. You can check its position moving the gondola on the map and rotate the view with the touch screen. Interactivity is the future of art?
New experimental forms of art, perception, vision ... here is the table version of the installation of the water Venice Canal View (Telecom Future Centre, Venice 6 to 11 September 2009). The projection shows a panoramic video images composed of 530 to 360 ° along the Grand Canal. You can check its position moving the gondola on the map and rotate the view with the touch screen. Interactivity is the future of art?
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Purple Highlights In Hair
International Art Fair of Bolzano: 09 KunStart
The International Art Fair of Bolzano takes place in a region renowned for his artistic talent. Hosted the last edition of the European Biennial of Contemporary Art Manifesta 7, and offers great space for contemporary art in its many museums and prestigious venues and exhibitions. We propose a video about the event.
The International Art Fair of Bolzano takes place in a region renowned for his artistic talent. Hosted the last edition of the European Biennial of Contemporary Art Manifesta 7, and offers great space for contemporary art in its many museums and prestigious venues and exhibitions. We propose a video about the event.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
What Is The Average Dress Size In The Us
Valcellina Prize in Pordenone, international competition A video installation by textile art
The video Valcellina Prize, international competition textile art, is held in Pordenone Vastagamma at the gallery from 17 October to 11 November 2009. Enjoy. Federico
The video Valcellina Prize, international competition textile art, is held in Pordenone Vastagamma at the gallery from 17 October to 11 November 2009. Enjoy. Federico
Friday, October 30, 2009
Gmc Changing Yukon Body Style
http://www.urbangap.com Videoinstallation Urbangap-Ambrosi "Dance of images" with photographs taken from "The greenhouse dark" by Marco Ambrosi. Fontana Nurseries, Sona - Verona.
http://www.urbangap.com Videoinstallation Urbangap-Ambrosi "Dance of images" with photographs taken from "The greenhouse dark" by Marco Ambrosi. Fontana Nurseries, Sona - Verona.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Shaolin Monks Uniform
Claudio Perissi in Verona, a painter of Pordenone
Video dedicated to the painter Claudio Perissi of Pordenone. Enjoy.
Video dedicated to the painter Claudio Perissi of Pordenone. Enjoy.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Why Does Music Suck Nowadays?
Giustino Chemello The new exhibition in Vicenza: Nessundove
Ecco alcune foto dello stesso autore esposte in occasione di mostre precedenti
The photographer Justin Chimello opens Saturday, October 24 at 18.00 at the gallery Berga in Vicenza A new exhibition entitled Nessundove.

address is Galleria Berga, Against the Porton Luzzo No. 16, a Vicenza.
Ecco alcune foto dello stesso autore esposte in occasione di mostre precedenti

Thursday, October 22, 2009
Should I Buy A Supercharged Cobalt
Show "Torcello, the origins of Venice, tra occidente ed oriente" al museo diocesano
La mostra, curata da Giovanni Gentili e Don Gianmatteo Caputo, si tiene presso il Chiostro di Sant'Apollonia al museo diocesano di Venezia.
100 capolavori per una mostra che racconta la grande storia dai primi insediamenti lagunari alla fine del Duecento attraverso gli splendori di quell'arte che, generatasi a Bisanzio, troverà nella laguna veneta l’ambiente ideale in cui crescere e svilupparsi, dando origine a novità forms and expressions that are, even today, the magic of the charm of Venice and Torcello.
The journey starts in the fifth and seventh centuries, the age of the "first" Torcello, where the oldest traces and artifacts, the exhibition continues by explaining the origins of the lagoon sculpture: marble tiles inhabited by peacocks and Fantastic Beasts and pluteus valuable, along with outstanding contributions from the mainland.
Another stop is Torcello mosaics dedicated to the wonderful, including the monumental "Last Judgement" on the counter: a digital reproduction made with laser technology will allow a "vision" exceptional since in detail. The iconographic themes present in the mosaics will be documented in the exhibition by several works of art, including works in gold and silver, ivory, precious stones and enamel from the major museums of Europe, while another great series of articles, as valuable miniatures, bindings of illuminated manuscripts, reliquaries, processional crosses of absolute artistic value that also document the high technical executive of the Byzantine and Venetian goldsmiths - will revive the solemn liturgies in Torcello in its golden age.
The last section of the exhibition is dedicated to the icons. Received numerous species in the lagoon after 1204, the year of the Fourth Crusade, the Byzantine images of Christ, the Virgin, the angels and saints are clothed with light, adorned with stones, enamel and precious metals, or be constructed of fine materials such as ivory, micro mosaic and silks from gold and silver threads . The activity of the Adriatic's launch of new workers around the end of the thirteenth century, the Venetian painting more properly, present here in its rare extant episodes, which will be in Paolo Veneziano, now in the fourteenth century, its undisputed master.
Here's the address of the exhibition: Castello, 4312-30122 Venice
The period from 29 August 2009 to January 10, 2010, with the following opening hours: daily 10.00-18.00. The cost
Tickets are € 5.00 (Concessions: € 4.00 for children under 12 years, for groups of 20 people, IKEA Family Card holders)
The ticket entitles you to visit the Basilica of Santa Maria Assunta of Torcello until January 10, 2010
Guided tours can be made only by prior appointment at the following telephone number +39041 2413817 (www.millenniotorcello.it)

La mostra, curata da Giovanni Gentili e Don Gianmatteo Caputo, si tiene presso il Chiostro di Sant'Apollonia al museo diocesano di Venezia.
100 capolavori per una mostra che racconta la grande storia dai primi insediamenti lagunari alla fine del Duecento attraverso gli splendori di quell'arte che, generatasi a Bisanzio, troverà nella laguna veneta l’ambiente ideale in cui crescere e svilupparsi, dando origine a novità forms and expressions that are, even today, the magic of the charm of Venice and Torcello.
The journey starts in the fifth and seventh centuries, the age of the "first" Torcello, where the oldest traces and artifacts, the exhibition continues by explaining the origins of the lagoon sculpture: marble tiles inhabited by peacocks and Fantastic Beasts and pluteus valuable, along with outstanding contributions from the mainland.
Another stop is Torcello mosaics dedicated to the wonderful, including the monumental "Last Judgement" on the counter: a digital reproduction made with laser technology will allow a "vision" exceptional since in detail. The iconographic themes present in the mosaics will be documented in the exhibition by several works of art, including works in gold and silver, ivory, precious stones and enamel from the major museums of Europe, while another great series of articles, as valuable miniatures, bindings of illuminated manuscripts, reliquaries, processional crosses of absolute artistic value that also document the high technical executive of the Byzantine and Venetian goldsmiths - will revive the solemn liturgies in Torcello in its golden age.
The last section of the exhibition is dedicated to the icons. Received numerous species in the lagoon after 1204, the year of the Fourth Crusade, the Byzantine images of Christ, the Virgin, the angels and saints are clothed with light, adorned with stones, enamel and precious metals, or be constructed of fine materials such as ivory, micro mosaic and silks from gold and silver threads . The activity of the Adriatic's launch of new workers around the end of the thirteenth century, the Venetian painting more properly, present here in its rare extant episodes, which will be in Paolo Veneziano, now in the fourteenth century, its undisputed master.
Here's the address of the exhibition: Castello, 4312-30122 Venice
The period from 29 August 2009 to January 10, 2010, with the following opening hours: daily 10.00-18.00. The cost
Tickets are € 5.00 (Concessions: € 4.00 for children under 12 years, for groups of 20 people, IKEA Family Card holders)
The ticket entitles you to visit the Basilica of Santa Maria Assunta of Torcello until January 10, 2010
Guided tours can be made only by prior appointment at the following telephone number +39041 2413817 (www.millenniotorcello.it)
Friday, October 16, 2009
Why Is My Period Late After Pap
Un omaggio allo scultore di Trento Mauro De Carli
This video was filmed in Pellizzano in Val di Sole (Trento) and is a tribute to the sculptor Mauro De Carli.
This video was filmed in Pellizzano in Val di Sole (Trento) and is a tribute to the sculptor Mauro De Carli.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Can I Use Mobile Sim Card On Mobile Broadband
Mostra di Gianfranco Pardi a Padova
Anfiteatroarte The gallery offers a solo exhibition of Gianfranco Pardi, entitled "A form of thought." The artist is a painter and sculptor from Milan, with discretion studied for more than twenty years, the daily interaction between man and nature, looking for the original act of building, composing, defining the shape or location. Thought and reason are placed at the apex of the entire human experience. The exhibition "A form of thought" offers choices about thirty works made mostly in the seventies: the "architecture".
The Vernissage will take place Thursday, Oct. 22, from 19.00 in Padova, Via Ognissanti 33 with the presence of the artist. The exhibition will then be open from October 22 to 28 Novembre.Nella his research center of gravity becomes the original act of building, composing, defining the shape or location. An act done with the thought and reason which puts the artist at the height of the entire human experience.
With the patronage of the Municipality and the Province of Padua, the exhibition, curated by Matt Lalli and Munari, was produced in collaboration with the Fondazione Marconi, Milan. Works on display thirty carefully selected and manufactured between the early seventies and early nineties.
In the hall of cement are widely documented in "Architecture", historical works that have characterized and made famous the artist. Using unmistakable and unique in the history of the "rods" captured the audience, captivated by a constant tension and metaphorical, sometimes more dramatic than it appears, that arises from the consciousness of the limits of institutional representation, with which the artist conflict must at the same time they want to defy the rules of the building without going to the building.
In the hall of columns are works made in the eighties. These appear to be enriched by a gesture not practical due to a process of informal being implemented. His art presents a painting made of the sign where it is constructive as a concept, an abstract made of broken lines are not evenly immersed in a few colors, but essential.
Gianfranco Pardi has exhibited in Italy and abroad on countless occasions. Among the major exhibitions: in 1986 he participated in the Venice Biennale with a solo show. That same year he exhibited at the Milan Triennale and the Rome Quadrennial. In 1974 and 1993 he participated in the Biennale, Palazzo della Permanente. In 1998 Palazzo Reale in Milan hosted its staff. In 1999 he organized three major exhibitions in Germany, the Frankfurter Kunstverein in Frankfurt, the Museum Bochum, Bochum and Kulturhistorisches Museum in Stralsund. In 2000 and 2002 he exhibited at the Galleria Gio Marconi in Milan and in 2002 at the Galleria Fumagalli Bergamo.

The Vernissage will take place Thursday, Oct. 22, from 19.00 in Padova, Via Ognissanti 33 with the presence of the artist. The exhibition will then be open from October 22 to 28 Novembre.Nella his research center of gravity becomes the original act of building, composing, defining the shape or location. An act done with the thought and reason which puts the artist at the height of the entire human experience.
With the patronage of the Municipality and the Province of Padua, the exhibition, curated by Matt Lalli and Munari, was produced in collaboration with the Fondazione Marconi, Milan. Works on display thirty carefully selected and manufactured between the early seventies and early nineties.

In the hall of cement are widely documented in "Architecture", historical works that have characterized and made famous the artist. Using unmistakable and unique in the history of the "rods" captured the audience, captivated by a constant tension and metaphorical, sometimes more dramatic than it appears, that arises from the consciousness of the limits of institutional representation, with which the artist conflict must at the same time they want to defy the rules of the building without going to the building.
In the hall of columns are works made in the eighties. These appear to be enriched by a gesture not practical due to a process of informal being implemented. His art presents a painting made of the sign where it is constructive as a concept, an abstract made of broken lines are not evenly immersed in a few colors, but essential.

Saturday, October 3, 2009
Different Types Of The Labia
Mostra di pittura a Padova di Alessandro Taglioni
We suggest the video Linkredibile on the TV show of the painter Alessandro noodles. Enjoy. Federico
We suggest the video Linkredibile on the TV show of the painter Alessandro noodles. Enjoy. Federico
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Iphone 4 Alarm Clock Silent
Emil Schumacher - Un pittore astratto a Venezia
Emil Schumacher - An abstract painter in Venice
The painter Emil Schumacher is considered one of the most important representatives of abstract painting in Germany. Situated between "informal" and "Abstract Expressionism" creates his paintings with great expressiveness and through a wonderful composition of colors. Ha partecipato a tutte le più importanti mostre tra cui La Biennale di Venezia. E' morto 1999
Institut für Kunstdokumenation und Szenografie © Ralph Goertz
Emil Schumacher - An abstract painter in Venice
The painter Emil Schumacher is considered one of the most important representatives of abstract painting in Germany. Situated between "informal" and "Abstract Expressionism" creates his paintings with great expressiveness and through a wonderful composition of colors. Ha partecipato a tutte le più importanti mostre tra cui La Biennale di Venezia. E' morto 1999
Institut für Kunstdokumenation und Szenografie © Ralph Goertz
Emil Schumacher - abstract painter from Institut für Kunstdokumentation on Vimeo .
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Cocky Concited Quotes
Daniele Puppi - Unleaded arte contemporanea a Pordenone - mostra
Conversazione con Daniele Puppi (Pordenone, 1970): dalle "Fatiche", installazioni video-sonore, allo "Zero", installazione sonora realizzata presso la galleria Vistamare di Benedetta Spalletti a Pescara. Settima puntata di Unleaded arte contemporanea.
Conversazione con Daniele Puppi (Pordenone, 1970): dalle "Fatiche", installazioni video-sonore, allo "Zero", installazione sonora realizzata presso la galleria Vistamare di Benedetta Spalletti a Pescara. Settima puntata di Unleaded arte contemporanea.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Ajuda No Fsxaircreation582sl Red?
Zilvinas Kempinas: Tube at Venice Biennale 2009
This video describes the vernissage tv show of Zilvinas Kempinas.
Opening reception of the exhibition Žilvinas Kempinas: Tube at the Lithuanian Pavilion (location: Scuola Grande della Misericordia) of the 53rd International Art Exhibition La Biennale di Venezia in Venice, Italy.
Žilvinas Kempinas Was Born in 1969 in Plunge, Lithuania. He lives and works in New York. Solo exhibitions: Kunsthalle Wien, Vienna (2008), Le Grand Café, Saint-Nazaire, France (2008), Contemporary Art Center, Vilnius (2007), Palais de Tokyo, Paris (2006), PS1 Contemporary Art Center, New York ( 2003), Spencer Brownstone Gallery, New York (2004, 2006, 2007).
This video describes the vernissage tv show of Zilvinas Kempinas.
Opening reception of the exhibition Žilvinas Kempinas: Tube at the Lithuanian Pavilion (location: Scuola Grande della Misericordia) of the 53rd International Art Exhibition La Biennale di Venezia in Venice, Italy.
Žilvinas Kempinas Was Born in 1969 in Plunge, Lithuania. He lives and works in New York. Solo exhibitions: Kunsthalle Wien, Vienna (2008), Le Grand Café, Saint-Nazaire, France (2008), Contemporary Art Center, Vilnius (2007), Palais de Tokyo, Paris (2006), PS1 Contemporary Art Center, New York ( 2003), Spencer Brownstone Gallery, New York (2004, 2006, 2007).
Zilvinas Kempinas: Tube at Venice Biennale 2009 from VernissageTV on Vimeo .
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Boat Wood Stoves For Sale
Videoarte a Verona - Lights and thoughts
a video of Ruggero Mantovani. For more information, visit his blog: http://welovealot.blogspot.com/
a video of Ruggero Mantovani. For more information, visit his blog: http://welovealot.blogspot.com/
Sunday, September 6, 2009
What Is The Most Desired Vinetage Polaroid Camera
Egitto mai visto L’eccezionale mostra sull'Egitto al Castello del Buonconsiglio a Trento
Sunday, August 30, 2009
What Top To Weare On Knee Length Skirt
Alvise Grandese, pittore veneziano
Video of the exhibition of paintings by Grandese Alvise, Venetian artist.
Video of the exhibition of paintings by Grandese Alvise, Venetian artist.
Friday, August 28, 2009
What Kind Of Hair Lauren London Have
Shade in Venice
SHADES of VENICE is first and foremost a homage to the B+W films of Val Lewton & Jacques Tourneur and the ghost stories of M.R. James and Daphne Du Maurier. It comes as no surprise then to anyone that Venice, most especially in the off-season, bereft of tourists and wreathed in fog, is one of the most bewitching, transportive cities imaginable. There’s drama and character in her crumbling backstreets, shrouded alleyways and melancholia-riven waterways, chosing, as she does, to unveil herself only in increments, one hallucinogenic step at a time. From the outset Inside Me Like A Warmth had always been a somewhat experimental departure for me in terms of filmmaking. For once I wasn’t working with actors or fictional storylines or melodrama…just a city, a sense of place, perhaps even a state of mind and so, in the freezing cold on the tail-end of January I set out to somehow frame and capture what made the city so timelessly seductive for so many people. Electronica wunderkid Metamatics came on board after seeing the footage and the film went on to win Best Music & Visuals at London’s first Salvador Dali Film Festival in conjunction with the exhibition of his work at County Hall on the South Bank.
SHADES in VENICE from Sean Garland on Vimeo .
SHADES of VENICE is first and foremost a homage to the B+W films of Val Lewton & Jacques Tourneur and the ghost stories of M.R. James and Daphne Du Maurier. It comes as no surprise then to anyone that Venice, most especially in the off-season, bereft of tourists and wreathed in fog, is one of the most bewitching, transportive cities imaginable. There’s drama and character in her crumbling backstreets, shrouded alleyways and melancholia-riven waterways, chosing, as she does, to unveil herself only in increments, one hallucinogenic step at a time. From the outset Inside Me Like A Warmth had always been a somewhat experimental departure for me in terms of filmmaking. For once I wasn’t working with actors or fictional storylines or melodrama…just a city, a sense of place, perhaps even a state of mind and so, in the freezing cold on the tail-end of January I set out to somehow frame and capture what made the city so timelessly seductive for so many people. Electronica wunderkid Metamatics came on board after seeing the footage and the film went on to win Best Music & Visuals at London’s first Salvador Dali Film Festival in conjunction with the exhibition of his work at County Hall on the South Bank.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
How To Make Novelty Cakes
Mostra "Alessandro Taglioni" a Padova
Painting Exhibition Alexander Taglioni, Piazza Cavour, Padova.
Painting Exhibition Alexander Taglioni, Piazza Cavour, Padova.
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